Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Theodore Roosevelt Articles

Bree Mills Theodore Roosevelt Articles Online Experience 9A 2nd period 1) Theodore began his journey with a small group of men in December 1913, after getting offered an unexpected opportunity by a foreign Minister. He couldn’t pass it up. The opportunity was to be able to adventure an unmapped river. In the heart of the rain forest lied a river named Rio da Dúvida (The River of Doubt). Roosevelt knew he was taking a health risk, but he wanted to prove his strength was capable of putting up a fight. Eventually his heath got so bad he was unable to finish the journey. Sending his friend Cherrie and son Kermit to succeed. Even after quitting he still didn’t fully recover the damage to his health but he lays in rest with no regrets of the opportunity he took a shot at. 2) Theodore Roosevelt “a born winner”. He took a trip to South America where is son Kermit was living after being the brutal re-election failed. Putting all of his political thoughts behind. He felt the need to give his outdoor skills chance. Going to the heart of the rainforest (unmapped place) may seemed a little extreme but to him was a perfect prospect to take. To Theodore and the men he will be going with they consider it a “survival test”. Knowing they would be facing bad effects during the journey they still had a mission as you can call it to be completed. Being around the age 50, this occasion really put a toll on his heath. 3) In both of the passages were about the adventure of Theodore Roosevelt and ten other including his son Kermit and friend Cherrie, going on a very risky trip. I honestly think each passage was about the same. It was just worded differently. Both passages do give enough information to get an idea of what had happened back then. I feel both articles are giving statements, and information that is true, but then again I feel the people who may have created these articles don’t know exactly what happened. 1) The 3rd article I found is a biography by Theodore Roosevelt his self. I feel this on is more legit. Simply just by reading the first paragraph it already stated about how many people have went with him. It said about 20, as I recall the other articles said 10 or didn’t say it at all. In this article it states the trip “nearly killed him” yes in the others articles it said the same but it said that he wasn’t able to finish the trip but according to this article he but was very weak.

Theodore Roosevelt

Starting on November 8th I was assigned to read articles about Theodore Roosevelt and his mission to an unmapped place called The River of Doubt. Making an unplanned trip in Brazil with about 20 men including his son Kermit, risking their life. During this journey they will be facing insects, floods, hostel natives, and capsizing canoes. Theodore, was not very well in health needs to say he isn’t in good condition to take this adventure. But he wanted to prove he could make it, prove to his son and the other entire member that he was capable to do anything no matter what. Even though only being 50 frankly, he was unable to finish the occupation do to his weakness. He was still proud to make it as far as he did, he never felt any anguish to the opportunity, and once in a life time chance he took.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Online Safety

I do, think the young man should be punished, but not as far as it went. I think people over reacted and took it to the exsrteam to take it to the law. I see post like that all the time "Oh, I hate school I wish it would go on fire" "My school can burn" and "If I could I would se the school on fire". I honestly, think this is no different. And those people who I saw post simular things didn't get in trouble kid fed into it "haha yeah dude me too, school sucks!" Since he did get cought I feel he should be suspended and maybe a verble warning from the schools police if they have one. I say for what Anothony did he should only be punished by parents and the school. He shouldn't have got that big of a punishment that will follow through life. I would have to suggest to take it to that step if he did it again. The only reason why I would have to say he didn't get a far punishment becasue he is not the only one who posts things like that. If they're going to be a real stickler on him they should judge all!!